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What is inheritance in javascript

What is inheritance in javascript? This article presents and figures on Inheritance in JavaScript. Inheritance is thought in the object-oriented programming language where a class inherits the property or operation of another class. The inheritance concept helps in reusing the fields and methods of the class that is inherited. This helps in code reusability and […]

How to create constructor in javascript

How to create constructor in javascript. The constructor approach in JavaScript is a proper method used to create and initialize objects inside a class. That is what a constructor in each programming language takes. What does JavaScript constructor different from others is the rest of the syntax? To understand it properly, just open the browser […]

Comparison Operators in JavaScript

Comparison Operators in JavaScript are utilized to obtain certain conclusions or to perform certain business logic by discovering either some identity or difference between the powers of the variables. For any website you look to improve with JavaScript, these operators will be the common usually used ones. Now let’s have a look at the various […]