3 Basic Hash functions in PHP - Informatic Point

3 Basic Hash functions in PHP

Hash functions in PHP is a specific process pre-defined and used for showing a string in the form of a particular value held from the string’s characters. It is common for its application as an encryption algorithm and as an index value description for objects in the database. The most generally used types of hash algorithms in the method of data encryption are SHA1() and MD5(). In PHP, the hash function is of main three different types, Hash_init, Hash_final, and Hash_copy.

How Hash Functions Works and its Syntax?

As we know, PHP is a server-side programming language and its main purpose is it has to treat as the back-end functionality needed for an appropriate application. In this method, authentication performs a necessary role as vulnerabilities can utilize the data clearly. One way of obtaining the data is to save it in the database in its primary form but this could point to a state where the trouble/unauthorized body can get the data simply and it can be compromised. This state can be clearly controlled by using the Hash functions.

Hash functions encrypt the data in its true form away without modifying its meaning. So, when a user accesses the data in its true form the data will become encrypted in the backend and hence authentication and authorization of the data process occurs. The most normally used hash algorithms are md5 (), sha1 (), and few hash functions. Those algorithms are used by the developer to validate the data inserted by the user is accurate or not to move further with the method.

SHA1 ()

This algorithm is one of the strong hash algorithms which measures the sha1 hash i.e. the hash of 10 character binary or 20-character hexadecimal number of an appropriate PHP string. This string reached will be transformed into the encrypted hexadecimal form.

MD5 ()

This algorithm is one of the robust hash algorithms which measures the md5 hash i.e. the hash of 16 or 32-character hexadecimal number of a particular string. This string reached will be transformed into the encrypted hexadecimal form.

Syntax:  string md5 ($string, $getRawOutput)

The above syntax showed the $string as the input string. The rough output is a free input as the developer needs to transform it to 16 bit or 32 bit. If 16 bit has to let it has to be set TRUE Boolean and transferred to the function. If it is not set then the default of 32 bit is set automatically.

Example: md5 (SoftCodeOn, TRUE)

Hash Functions in PHP

The following listed are few hash functions utilized in PHP to encrypt/convert the data from original to hashed form.


This function is utilized with the hash algorithms i.e. md5 (), sha (), etc. This function onward with the hash algorithms provides output to use with hash_update (), hash final (), etc. The output of the hash_init is stored in a string or variable and passed to any one of the functions.


This function returns a hash summary of the input string given to this function. When the fresh output set to TRUE then it provides fresh binary data and when it is set to FALSE it gives a lowercase hexadecimal number. This function returns an estimated hexadecimal digest of the string as an output.


This function is utilized to copy the hash context. The string declared as an input to the function is hashed by one of the algorithms used in the hash_init() function and the similar output would be the hashed string that is given to this function. This function returns a hashed form of the output given by the hash_init function.


$hash = hash_init('sha1');
hash_update($hash, 'Example of PHP Hash function');
echo hash_final($hash);


Above, we explained what is hash functions and their different algorithms. Also, we presented a few hash functions used in PHP to encrypt the data to stop spiteful and unsafe attacks. Because of these drives, the data is not safe and loss of data happens.