JavaScript - Informatic Point

String in JavaScript with examples

String in JavaScript with examples. A string in JavaScript is an object which is an order of zero or more numbers. A string is both enclosed in the single quotation or double quotation as ( ‘ ) and ( “) individually, for example, “String In Javascript” or ‘String In Javascript’ both are pleasant and the […]

Arithmetic Operators in Javascript

Arithmetic Operators in Javascript. In the time of web development, javascript is one of the current popular and commonly used programming languages used for front-end developers. It is a client-side language and has a really large library with many inbuilt functions organized for the ease of programming. Like other programming languages, Javascript also provides programmers […]

Javascript keywords with live examples

Javascript keywords with live examples. In this tutorial, we will learn about javascript keywords and how they work. JavaScript keywords are reserved words. There are many reserved keywords in Javascript programming which has some significant meaning. These keywords can’t be used as an identifier for example for variable names, for loop labels or for function […]

Literals in JavaScript

Basically, JavaScript Literals are constant states that can be allocated to the variables that are called literals. JavaScript Literals are syntactic descriptions for various types of information like boolean, numeric, string, array, etc. Literals in JavaScript present the power of displaying particular values in our program. For Example, var name = “George”, a string variable […]

The Main Features of JavaScript

The Main Features of JavaScript. In this article, We’ll know the main features of the JavaScript programming language. JavaScript was invented by Brendan Eich in Netscape in 1995 for dynamic programming in web pages providing the logical operation to the client-side. JavaScript is essentially a client-side script language. The object of JavaScript language most usually […]