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How to create a responsive Login and signup form

In this tutorial, you will learn How to create a responsive login and Signup form with the help of HTML and CSS. As we know every website developer/owner wants to collect user data. The best way to collect user data is to create a user sign up and sign in form. So, without wasting time […]

Encapsulation in C++

Encapsulation in C++. It indicates the process of wrapping up the data and functions in a single capsule. It also safeguards the data from other classes by limiting access. Primarily it protects the data. If we take a real-world example of the university, we have different departments like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc. A situation may […]

Types of Inheritance in C++

In this tutorial, you will learn the Types of Inheritance in C++. The ability of a class to derive attributes and properties from another class is called Inheritance. Inheritance is one of the most essential features of Object-Oriented Programming. There are essentially five different types of inheritance that can be used in C++ which are […]

Function Overloading in C++

In this tutorial, you will learn all about Function Overloading in the C++ programming language. C++ programming has awesome features and one of the most powerful features is function overloading. It means a code holding more than one function with the same signature but with complex argument lists. The argument list indicates the flow of […]