How To Disable WordPress Autosave (Interval) - Informatic Point

How To Disable WordPress Autosave (Interval)

WordPress autosave is a feature that automatically saves a draft of your post or page as you work on it. This can be useful for ensuring that you don’t lose your work in the event of an unexpected interruption or system crash. However, some users may prefer to disable the autosave feature for various reasons.

Disable Autosave In WordPress

Here’s how you can disable WordPress autosave:

  1. Open your WordPress site’s functions.php file. This file is located in your theme’s folder and can be edited using a text editor such as Notepad++ or Sublime Text.
  2. Add the following code to your functions.php file:
function disable_autosave() {
add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'disable_autosave' );
  • Save the changes to your functions.php file and upload it to your server

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This code will remove the autosave script from your WordPress site, effectively disabling the autosave feature. Note that this will also remove the “restore post” functionality, so be sure to regularly save your work as you go.

Disable Autosave by Editing wp-config.php File

This is the most used approach to disable the autosave feature in your WordPress website. All you have to do is copy and paste the following code to your wp-config.php file. 

define('AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', 84800);

This code will change and increase the autosave time interval to an entire day. Therefore a post will be saved after a whole day is gone. 

It’s important to keep in mind that disabling the autosave feature can put your work at risk in the event of a system crash or other unexpected interruption. If you’re concerned about losing your work, it’s recommended to use a backup plugin that allows you to save a copy of your site’s content to a secure location.

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