PHP - Informatic Point

Arithmetic Operators in PHP

Arithmetic operators are one of the sorts of operators in the PHP programming language. The arithmetic operators are very valuable for many mathematical estimations to do various types of programs to ease our problem-solving tasks. Arithmetic operators can be used only with the numerical values/numbers to perform arithmetic operations like Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication […]

PHP Global Variable

PHP Global variables are declared above the method or functions, also they can be expressed inside of the functions as well. A global variable is just like any other variable but the disparity is that this scope is global in application. If we create any variable global then we can access that variable from our […]

What is Encapsulation in PHP

Encapsulation in PHP is a primary theme in Object-Oriented Programming Language (OOP), P. It declares the idea of binding attributes and functions into a particular Class. By doing this, It will be referred to as Information Hiding. But If you have an attribute that can not be detected by others and you bundle it with […]

3 Basic Types of Inheritance in PHP

Inheritance in PHP helps to reduce code replication. It is the way of reaching the current class functionality in the recently formed class. We are able to add some extra functionality to the newly formed class aside from reaching the base class functionalities. When we obtain one class, we declare an inherited class is a derived […]

Overriding in PHP

In object-oriented programming overriding is to return the parent method in child class. You can re-declare the parent class method in the child class. Normally, the goal of overriding in PHP is to modify the response of the parent class method. If your class has the unusual method and another derived class wants the same […]