C Sharp development Setup - Informatic Point

C Sharp development Setup

C Sharp Development Setup. C Sharp is used for server-side performance for different types of applications. Such as window forms, web, and console. In form to use C# with your .Net application. Therefore, you require two things, Integrated Development Environment and .Net Framework. C Sharp is used for server-side performance for different types of applications. Such as window forms, web, and console. In form to use C# Sharp Development Setup. C Sharp is used for server-side performance for different types of applications. Such as window forms, web, and console. In form to use C# with your .Net application. Therefore, you require two things, Integrated Development Environment and .Net Framework.

Integrated Development Environment (IDE):

IDE is a tool that supports you to write your program code. Visual Studio is an IDE given by Microsoft to write and run the programs in many languages, like C#, F#, Visual Basic, etc. To use the fresh version of Visual Studio to learn C#.

Visual Studio Community edition is the best editor for a single developer or commercial use. Although, you can buy a license of Visual Studio Enterprise edition or professional. So, Now Download and Install Visual Studio for free.

The .NET Framework

The .Net Framework is a program where you can write different kinds of web and desktop applications. If you have a Windows operating system, the .Net framework might already be installed. Explore MSDN to learn regarding the .Net Framework

C# can be used in a web-based or console application. To begin with, we will create a console application to work with C#

So, Now open Visual Studio that you have installed on your computer. Press on File from the top left corner and click “New Project”, shown below.
Create Visual studio
From the New Project Popup menu will appear as shown below, select Visual C# in the left side panel and press console App in the side panel.

C# Project
C sharp development setup. In the name section, Provide any Project Name, and location where you want to place your project.
Now Press OK to create a Console Project. Project Name.cs will be created in a visual studio where you write programs. You know .cs is an extension of the C# File.

C# Program

Therefore, you can create a C# console application in Visual Studio. In conclusion, Now, you can write C# code in ProjectName.cs file.
So Now the time you need to write a code an Example of how to write a program. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for further programming tutorials.

Best of Luck.

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