12 Alternatives of Z-Library | Z-Lib 2023

Alternatives of Z-Library. The internet has produced it seamless for bibliophiles to take all the books they ever liked and that too for free! One prominent example of a website where you can download any eBook for free is Z-Library. You need this online library, to search for the book you ever desired, and get it right there.

There are millions of ebooks available on different platforms with different categories. But the thing is, there are some annoying things about Z-Library. First of all, without signing in, you can only download 5 eBooks per day and even if you make an account, the limit drives up to 10 unless you purchase the premium subscription.

Read Also: Is Z-Library Legal & Safe To Use?

12 Alternatives of Z-Library, Z-Lib 2023

Here are some popular alternatives to Z-Library for downloading ebooks:

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is one of the oldest and largest digital libraries, offering over 60,000 free ebooks that have been digitized and carefully proofread. The ebooks are in a variety of formats, including plain text, HTML, and PDF, and are available for download without any restrictions. Project Gutenberg was founded in 1971 with the goal of making cultural and educational works available to everyone, and it remains one of the most important sources of free ebooks on the internet.


BookZZ is a website that provides access to an extensive collection of ebooks, mostly pirated versions of books that are protected by copyright. The use of such websites is illegal and unethical and can result in fines or legal action against the users. It’s important to support the efforts of authors, publishers, and other members of the publishing industry by purchasing books legally and respecting their copyrights.

PDF Drive

PDF Drive is a search engine that helps users find and download PDF files from the internet. The site indexes and catalogs millions of PDF files from various sources, including websites, online libraries, and academic journals. Users can search for PDF files based on keywords or phrases, making it a useful tool for finding specific documents or books.

PDF Drive also offers a feature called “PDF Books World,” which is a collection of over 60,000 e-books that can be downloaded for free. The books cover a wide range of subjects, including science, technology, medicine, humanities, and more.

While PDF Drive is a useful resource for finding and downloading PDF files, it is important to note that some of the files available on the site may be protected by copyright laws. Users should ensure that they are downloading and using PDF files in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Overall, PDF Drive is a free and convenient resource for finding and downloading PDF files from the internet.

Library Genesis

Library Genesis (LibGen) is a digital library website that provides access to a large collection of articles and ebooks, including many copyrighted works. Like BookZZ, the use of LibGen is illegal and unethical, as it infringes on the rights of authors and publishers, who rely on the revenue from the sale of their works to make a living. Downloading copyrighted material from such websites is a violation of intellectual property rights and can result in fines or legal action. Instead of using websites like LibGen, it’s better to support the efforts of authors and publishers by purchasing books legally and respecting their copyrights.

Read Also: The largest eBook website Z-Library Gets Taken Down


ManyBooks is a digital library that provides free e-books and audiobooks for download. The website offers a wide selection of titles in various formats including PDF, ePUB, and Kindle. ManyBooks is a great resource for book lovers, especially those looking for older, out-of-print books that may not be available through traditional means.

Open Library

Open Library is a digital library and online book catalog run by the Internet Archive, a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving and sharing cultural and historical information. Open Library allows users to borrow e-books and audiobooks, and it also provides access to over 2 million free, public-domain books that can be read online or downloaded. The goal of Open Library is to create a comprehensive digital library that provides free access to the world’s knowledge, making information and books accessible to everyone, regardless of their location or financial situation.


Feedbooks is an online platform that offers a wide selection of e-books and audiobooks. The platform provides both free and paid content, and its books are available in various formats, including PDF, EPUB, and MOBI. Feedbooks also has a mobile app for Android and iOS devices, making it easy to access and read books on the go. In addition to books, Feedbooks also offers a platform for authors to publish and sell their work.


Smashwords is an online publishing and distribution platform for independent authors and small publishers. It allows authors to publish, distribute, and sell their e-books in multiple formats, including EPUB, MOBI, PDF, and more. Smashwords has a large network of online retailers, including Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple Books, and others, which enables authors to reach a wider audience. Additionally, Smashwords offers a free ISBN for each book, as well as tools for authors to manage their sales, royalties, and marketing. Smashwords is a popular choice for self-publishing authors and provides a simple, cost-effective way to bring their work to the world.


LibriVox is a volunteer-run online library that provides free public-domain audiobooks. The project was founded in 2005 with the goal of making literature more accessible to people around the world by creating audiobooks of books that are in the public domain.

LibriVox is powered by volunteers who read and record books, then upload the recordings to the site for others to listen to. The audiobooks are available in a variety of languages and cover a wide range of genres, including classic literature, children’s books, and non-fiction works. It’s a non-profit organization that operates on a shoestring budget, relying on volunteers and donations to keep the site running. The audiobooks are available for free and can be downloaded as MP3 files or streamed directly from the site.

Overall, LibriVox is a valuable resource for anyone who enjoys listening to audiobooks. With its large collection of free public-domain audiobooks, it provides an affordable and accessible way to experience great works of literature.


Goodreads is a social media platform for book lovers, where users can connect with other readers, discover new books, and share their thoughts and opinions on books they have read. Goodreads features a massive database of books and allows users to rate, review, and track their reading progress. Users can also join groups and participate in discussions about books, authors, and genres. In addition, Goodreads has a recommendation engine that suggests books based on a user’s reading history and preferences. Goodreads is a popular platform for readers, writers, and publishers, providing a community for book lovers to connect and share their passion for books.

E-Books Directory

E-Books Directory is a free online directory of e-books and documents. It offers a wide range of books on various subjects, including science, engineering, medicine, business, and more. All the books on the website are free to download, and users can browse and search for books by categories and keywords. E-Books Directory also provides a platform for authors and publishers to submit their work for inclusion on the site. The platform is updated regularly, and new books are added frequently, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking for free e-books on a variety of subjects. E-Books Directory is a convenient and easy-to-use platform for accessing and downloading free e-books.

Amazon Kindle Store

The Amazon Kindle Store is an online store run by Amazon that offers e-books, magazines, and other digital content for the Amazon Kindle e-reader and other devices. The Kindle Store has a large selection of books, including bestsellers, new releases, and classic titles. Customers can purchase and download books directly to their Kindle device or a Kindle reading app.

In addition to e-books, the Kindle Store also offers a variety of other content, including magazines, newspapers, and comic books. The Kindle Store is integrated into the Amazon website and is accessible from any internet-connected device.

Amazon Kindle Store allows customers to preview a book before buying it, and also offers a lending library where Amazon Prime members can borrow books for free. The store also offers special promotions and discounts on selected books and other content.

Overall, the Amazon Kindle Store is a convenient and easy-to-use platform for purchasing and reading digital books and other content on a Kindle device or other device.

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