The Most Popular PHP Frameworks to Use in 2023 - Informatic Point

The Most Popular PHP Frameworks to Use in 2023

The Most Popular PHP Frameworks to Use in 2023. PHP frameworks are the components contributed by several open-source communities that present inline features for developing PHP based applications. Frameworks are optional elements to be used. But, without the framework, the vanilla strategy of developing the PHP includes many overheads of managing the software features, functionalities, and security features that require more developer sources and increases the value of the development. Some of the extensively used PHP frameworks are Laravel, CodeIgniter, Symfony, CakePHP, FuelPHP, Phalcon, Slim, and Zend Framework. The PHP framework presents some useful features that improve to streamline the development process of the PHP Frameworks applications that should be included in the application structure.

List of PHP Frameworks

  1. Laravel
  2. Symfony
  3. CakePHP
  4. FuelPHP
  5. CodeIgniter


Larabel is an open-source framework, following the model view controller-based architecture. The different features provided by it. They are…

  • Composer is available since Laravel 4 has arrived and it behaves as a mandate manager to add framework-agnostic.
  • Expressive ORM, (Object-Relational Mapping).
  • Query Builder presents a number of classes. Laravel encourages extremely clean and neat code, through keeping the life of developers easy.
  • Laravel allows robust web application security as it combines password hashing, encryption, email verification, API authentication.
  • Defended and safe is secured, all Laravel routes are described in the routes directory and these files are automatically downloaded by the framework.
  • CSRF (Cross-site Request Forgery) token is added to URLs to stop cross-site forgery.
  • In the frontend, the framework gives features like Blade template, localization, Javascript, and CSS Scaffolding.
  • Server Necessities before going with Laravel.

Installing Laravel

Laravel uses the composer to maintain its dependencies, so the prime condition is that the composer shall be pre-installed. Then download the Laravel installer using the composer as given below.

Laravel Installation


Symfony is open-source software, It’s components are a set of decoupled and reusable PHP libraries. It intends the development of robust performance applications and points to give developers full control over the configuration from directory to foreign libraries and can be customized.

It is incorporated with the following features. They are…

  1. Localized routing (i18n) is given, through the routes that can be localized to give individual paths per locale.
  2. Twig template caching performs the process fast as templates are compiled to a primary PHP class and cached.
  3. The asset component is there for URL creation and versioning of CSS, JS, and images.
  4. BrowserKit component is there to affect the behavior of a web browser, providing to perform requests, click on links, and submit forms programmatically.
  5. The dependency injection component is there, which implements a PSR-11 cooperative service container that allows the regularity and concentration of objects in the application.
  6. Dotenv component is there to create environment variables saved in .env variables.
  7. The event dispatcher is there so that components can report via event dispatch and listen to them.
  8. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) component is already present to communicate with the LDAP server.
  9. The Expression PHP Language component gives an engine that can compile and assess emotions.
  10. The Serializer component is there to utilize objects in formats like JSON, XML, or YAML.

Symfony Installation


CakePHP is an open-source platform that offers to build web applications easily and faster, and needs less code.  CakePHP Frameworks comes with the following features –

  1. It gives scaffolding to immediately build prototypes.
  2. Hash class implements static services that offer proper array management thereby making code optimized.
  3. Inflector class is given to manipulate presented string and handle word variations such as pluralization and carmelizing.
  4. Logging is simple in CakePHP, the log() function is given by the LogTrait.
  5. The most active way to get up and working with REST is to add a few lines to set up source routes in the config/routes.php
  6. The validation package in CakePHP gives features to build validators that can validate random arrays of data with efficiency.
  7. Many plug-ins are supported for use in connection with CakePHP and they are Chronos (provides a zero-dependency collection of extensions to the DateTime object), ElasticSearch (gives an ORM like abstraction on top of the flexible search, performs testing and indexing of documents easy).
  8. Phinx and CakePHP, phinx enable the developers to alter and manage databases in a transparent way. No requirement to handwrite SQL, rather phinx gives great APIs for creating migrations using PHP code.
  9. Bake console is given to work CakePHP speedy, bake console can build models, views, behaviors, test cases, fixtures, and plugins.

CakePHP Installation

FuelPHP | PHP Frameworks

FuelPHP is an open-source framework, quick and compatible with PHP 5.4+ versions, the included features are posted below –

  1. It is an MVVM (Model–View–ViewModel) type of framework that is not just limited to model-view-controller but also carries the model-view-ViewModel approach. The view models are also called presentation models.
  2. FuelPHP supports router-based access supporting us to write the URI directly.
  3. Supports the CSRF (Cross-site Request Forgery) tokens to prevent cross-site scripting forgery.
  4. Input filtering and query maker supports in SQL injection.
  5. Auth framework is supported for secure authentication purposes.
  6. FuelPHP gives a CLI (command-line interface) called “oil”, designed to speed up the development, testing support, and debugging. It also helps to run database migrations.
  7. There are some base classes that are given to the controllers and models so that the developers can have a swift start, such features are – Controller_Template, Controller_Rest (a way for RESTful API creation), Controller_Hybrid, Model_crud (provides all methods for CRUD (CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE) operations in a single table.
  8. Lightweight ORM presents an object-oriented way of working with database data and performing CRUD, relationship likes has-many, many-many are there, cascading saves, and deletes for related objects. The authors are there to update object instances.
  9. Security includes the Auth framework and has integrated the Opauth library and gives various other features like Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), secure hashing function for passwords, OAuth integration for social media authentication.

CodeIgniter PHP Frameworks

CodeIgniter is an open-source development framework. There are some basic features given by it:

  1. It does not ask for accurate Model-view-controller implementation, the controller is mandatorily needed, model and view are optional.
  2. Assistant functions are there, like URL Supporters that help link creation, Form Supporters are there, Text Supporters are there to format text, and Cookie supporters are there to set and read cookies.
  3. You can build new libraries, replace and displace native libraries.
  4. Hooks feature gives the power to tap into and change the internal workings of the framework without hacking the core files.
  5. The auto-load feature is there which allows libraries, assistants, and models to be initialized automatically every time the system runs.
  6. CodeIgniter gives a page caching feature thereby improving the appearance.
  7. CodeIgniter has an error logging class that allows error and debugging messages to be stored as text files.
  8. The URI routing is there, the URL string is uniquely drafted to the controller.
  9. The password hashing is there for PHP version > 5.5
  10. In the database part, many presented features are QueryBuilder, QueryCaching, Transactions, etc.
How to Install CodeIgniter?
  1. Download CodeIgniter from Click Here


In the above article, we mentioned multiple PHP Frameworks used for carrying various features for code development. Summary of the elements and design patterns to be developed shall be discussed first before choosing any of those. The frameworks had variety and gave different plug-ins for making logging and metrics tracing to be there.

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