HTML Formatting tags(With Examples)  - Informatic Point

HTML Formatting tags(With Examples) 

In this tutorial, you will learn all about HTML formatting. HTML formatting is an operation on web page content to take a good look for users. HTML language gives the ability to format any text without using Cascading style sheet CSS. There are various HTML formatting elements used in HTML. However, The tags are used to make text underline, bold, italic, etc. There are various tags available that how the text shows in HTML?

The HTML tags are divided into two categories.

Logical Tags: Logical tags are used to add some natural value to the text.
Physical Tags: Physical tags are used to give a visible appearance to the text.

Elements Description
<big> It is used to enlarge the font size of the text.
<small> It is used to reduce the font size of the text.
<ins> This is used to define inserted text.
<del> It is used to define deleted text.
<u> This tag is used to add underline on the text.
<mark> It is used the text to highlight format.
<strong> This tag is used to make a text important in bolded format.
<b> This tag is used to bold the text.
<em> This is used to emphasized the text.
<sub> It is use to define subscripted text.
<sup> This is use to define superscripted text.

HTML formatting:

1). Large Text.
The <big> tag is used to enlarge font size of the text.

<p>Learn <big>Write the paragraph in larger font.</big></p> 

2). Small Text:
This <small> tag is use reduce the size of the text.

<p>Learn<small>Write paragraph in smaller font.</small></p> 

3). Inserted Text:
This <ins> tag is use insert the text. The <del> tag in example will delete the text and <ins> tag insert the text.

<p>Learn<del>Delete your first paragraph.</del><ins>Write another paragraph.</ins></p>  

4). Deleted Text:
This <del> tag is use to delete Text . The text in this tag will show as deleted:

<p>Learn <del>Delete your first paragraph.</del></p>  

5). Underline Text:
This <u> tag is use to  underline the text.

<p>Learn <u>Write Paragraph in underlined text.</u></p>  

6).Marked Text:
This <mark> tag is use to mark the text in visual way.

<h2> I want to put a <mark> Mark</mark> on this page</h2> 

7). Strong Text:
The <strong> tag is use make a text important. and also <b> is use to make a text bold like a strong tag.
Both Example:

<b>Learn <strong>This is an important content</strong></b>

8). Emphasized Text:
This <em> tag is use to emphasize the text. This is also like <i> Italic tag.

<p>Learn <em>This is an important content</em></p>  

9). Subscripted text.
This <sub> tag is use to define subscript text like,

<p>Learn <sub>Write Paragraph in subscript.</sub></p>  

10). Superscripted text:
This <sup> tag is use to define superscripted text.

<p>Learn <sup>Write Paragraph in superscript.</sup></p>     

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