HTML Event Attributes - Informatic Point

HTML Event Attributes

In this tutorial, you will learn all about HTML event attributes. When your browser behaves on user action, then it is called an event.
In HTML5 there is a bundle of event attributes available that can be started using a programming language, such as JavaScript.

You can perform lots of events by using their attributes. These are…

  • Form Event Attributes
  • Windows Event Attributes
  • Keyboard Event Attributes
  • Clipboard Event Attributes

Form Event Attributes

Form event occurs when the user takes any actions within the form such as selecting the input field, submitting a form, etc.
The form event can be used with any elements, but these are mostly used with HTML form attributes.

Attributes Value Description
onselect     script   Execute the event when user has select some text from textarea.
onsubmit script Run the script when a form is submitted.
onsearch script Run the event when a input search field receives some input.
onreset script Execute the event when user reset the form element values.
oninvalid script Triggers the scrip when the element doesn’t confirms its predefined constraints.
oninput script Script to be run when the user give input to the element
onfocus script Fires an event when the element take focus.
onchange script .Fires the scripts when the value of the element is changed.
onblur script Script to be run when form elements loses the focus.

Windows Event Attributes

Windows events are related for the window object, and it can only be applied with <body> tag.

Attributes Value Description
onunload script   Execute once a web page has unloaded.
onstorage script Run a script when a web saving area is updated.
onresize script  Execute the script when the browser is resized.
onpopstate script  Triggers a script when the window history changes.
onpageshow script Run a script when user navigates to web page.
onpagehide script Fires a script when a user navigates away from a web page.
ononline script Execute a script when the browser began to work online.
onoffline script Run a script when the browser began to work offline.
onmessage script Execute when the message is triggered.
onhashchange script Execute the script when there has been changes to anchor part of the URL onload.
onerror script Execute when an error occurs
onbeforeunload script Execute a script when the document is about to be unloaded.
onbeforeprint script Run a script when a document going to print.
onafterprint script Run a script when a document has printed.

Keyboard Event Attributes

The keyboard event appears when a user interacts with the keyboard. Example:


Values   Description
onkeyup script Run the event when the user clicks down a key on the keyboard.
onkeydown script Run the event when the user click the key that is display some character.
onkeypress script Run the event when the user rescue the currently clicked key.

Clipboard Event Attributes


Values   Description
oncopy script Run the event when the user copy anything from a page then the content cut to the system clipboard.
oncut script Run the event when the user cut anything from a page then the content cut to the system clipboard.
onpaste script Execute the event when the user pastes copied content in an element.

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