Learn Data Structure Tutorial. This tutorial is designed for both beginners and professionals. You will learn the basic and advanced concept of Data Structure (DS).
DS is described as a group of data elements that give an efficient way of storing and organizing data on the computer. So, it can be used precisely. A few examples of Data Structure (DS) are Linked List, Arrays, Stack and queues, etc. Data Structures are generally used in every aspect of Computer Science. For Example, Compiler Design, Operating systems, Graphics Design, Artificial Intelligence, and many more.
Data Structures are the main part of various computer science. Algorithms enable programmers to manage the data in an efficient way. It plays a vital role in increasing the performance of a program. It works to store and retrieve the user’s data as fast as possible.
The need for Data Structures:
- Data Search: Consider a listing size of 106 items in a store, if applications require searching particular items. It requires traversing 106 items every time, resulting in slowing down the data search process.
- Processor speed: To Manage large amounts of data, high processing is required. But as the data expands day by day to the billions of files per entity. The processor may fail to deal with a high amount of data.
- Multiple Requests: If thousand of users are searching the data at the same time on a web server. Then there is the chance to fail the server during execution.
Learn Data Structure is Important. In order to solve the above problems, data structures are used. Data can be organized in the form of Data Structures. In such a way that all the items are not required to be searched and needed data can be searched instantly.
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